11 months to a child you will have a child!

So 11 months to the child! I can’t believe that he had recently been so tiny and not understanding anything! Now things are completely different. The baby is active, interested, actively knowing the world around. This is natural, since the baby grows and develops. What can he do at 11 months? What new changes occur in its development? How to contribute to the quality development of the baby? We read on.

What changes occur in development?

The child at 11 months has still added compared to the previous period in growth and weight indicators. At this age, boys weigh about 10 kilograms, and girls – 9 kilograms and 200 grams. In turn, the growth of boys is an average of 74, 3 centimeters, and girls – 72.6 centimeters.

Important steps in the development of the child during this period are the improvement of large body movements. So the baby confidently rolls from back to the stomach and makes reverse movements, can sit down from the position of lying on his back.

Until now, the child learns to weaken the seizure of objects, which becomes possible thanks to the acquisition of the ability to control the muscles of the fingers.

At this age, the baby prefers not to sit and crawl, but stand and take steps (independently, with a support or adult).

The kid understands when his name is. He can also react to the names of people close to him. It can be a turn in their direction, indication of fingers and other actions.

The child gradually masters the transfer of actions from one subject to other objects that have a similar functional purpose. So, if you offer him a new rattle for the game, he will immediately begin to shake it.

At this age period, independent words may appear in the child’s speech, for example, “mother”, “so far”, “juice”, “no”, “give”, etc.

11-month-old baby is quite independent. However, many of his actions can harm him: he can press a finger, sticking it through the door, hit the sharp angle of furniture, etc. D. Therefore, the controlling role of an adult should still come to the forefront.

The child at this age begins to respond to prohibitions and encouragement. If he is forbidden to do what he was planning, he begins to cry. Well, if he does something, and he is praised for it, he tries to perform this action again and even better.

The child most actively shows his desire to play with a variety of toys. But no matter how beautiful and attractive a toy would be, only an adult acts for him a favorite object for the game.

What all possible help should parents provide their baby?

In order for the large movements of the child’s body to become more confident and perfect, create developing situations for this. So, for example, put a toy near the child so that it is clearly visible to him, but it was not easy to reach her. The presence of a bright and interesting object will attract the attention of the child and, of course, will cause the need to obtain it. The child himself will not notice how he will begin to make rolls and crawl to it.

At this age, you can form the child’s ability not only to stand on two legs, but also to keep balance on one. To do this, put the child at any support and lift one of his leg. Accompany your actions with words like “raise your leg”. This is done so that the child correlates the speech designation with the action.

In order for the child to learn how to endure familiar ways of action with various objects to others, provide him with the opportunity to play with new objects. Observe the process of the baby’s interaction with them, make unobtrusive adjustments.

Create conditions for the accumulation of a passive dictionary of the baby. Ore checker everything that surrounds the child. Call actions, objects, people. Remember that you need to talk with the baby like an adult. A child from a very early age should hear only the correct speech.

Excessive indulgence of the child’s desires does not always lead to a positive result. The child begins to control you with his whimpers and tears. If the child wants to do something, and you believe that he does not need this, try to switch his attention to another lesson. At this age, the child is still very malleable.

Do not leave the child alone with toys. Play with him. When interacting in the game, you stimulate the development of the baby’s sensory sphere, contribute to its speech development, mastering socially acceptable methods of action. The game does not always need toys. The main thing is positive emotions!

11 months to a child! But he already feels very well the attitude of others towards him. If your connection with the baby does not inspire confidence and security, he begins to reach for other people. You are parents! Do not shift the upbringing of your child to other people, even the closest. Be next to the child when he especially needs it. And in this age period, when the leading type of activity is emotional-effective communication, this is just a necessity. Next to you, the baby will feel emotionally comfortable, which will undoubtedly only contribute to its full development.