Chickenpox in children

Which of us in childhood did not become a green-dotted leopard for 10 days? Almost all. And who did not have time, so we do not envy them, because it is still better to get chickenpox in childhood. Chickenpox in children is easier and leaves fewer consequences.

Methods of infection with chickenpox

Chickenpox or varicella is primarily a virus. Therefore, it is transmitted by airborne droplets, through the air. Moreover, the volatility of this virus is amazing: as soon as someone gets sick in the stairwell, another part of those who are not ill will feel chickenpox happiness. Fortunately, people suffer from this disease only once, then a person develops lifelong immunity.

Children who attend preschool institutions and school are more likely to get chickenpox. Usually, by the age of 10-12, almost all children are ill. A child with chickenpox becomes contagious one day before the onset of the skin rash and ceases to be contagious 5 days after the last rash appears. It turns out that the child becomes contagious when no one else knows about it, which is what quarantine measures in children’s institutions are connected with. The patient is usually contagious for 9 days.

Symptoms and development of the disease

The incubation period, when chickenpox does not manifest itself in children, is from 1 to 3 weeks. Then the temperature rises sharply to 39.5 degrees, and rashes begin. Children may complain of headache and weakness.

Within a few hours, small punctate rashes turn into convex vesicles filled with liquid. About 4 days chickenpox in children is characterized by severe rashes of the skin and mucous membranes – eyes, mouth, genitals. The rash is very itchy, some bubbles are replaced by others. Then the disease begins to weaken. Blisters are replaced by crusts, which, with proper care and a low degree of illness, will not leave a trace.

How is chickenpox treated in children

Since chickenpox is a virus, it is treated with antibiotics only in case of bacterial infection and suppuration of the blisters. It can happen due to scratching the rash. Therefore, it is necessary in different ways to try to distract the baby from combing the rash. You can read a fairy tale, play quiet games, sculpt from plasticine. Treating chickenpox in children on an outpatient basis.

Chickenpox does not require any special treatment. You can add something antihistamine to relieve itching. However, if the rashes are so numerous that the body is one wound, then the help of a doctor will be needed.

Behavior in chickenpox:

one. Change bedding and underwear more often to prevent new rashes;

2. You can not wet the rash, this will lengthen the healing time of the bubbles; but you can take a short bath with a small addition of manganese solution;

3. A light diet is desirable. It requires the exclusion of all allergens, and an increase in the amount of dairy and vegetable products, liquid. Even when the baby has no appetite, you should try to feed him and drink so as not to cause a deficiency of fluid in the body and nutrients.

four. Zelenka is needed only to identify new rashes and only a little to reduce itching. By analogy with the latter, lubrication with a weak solution of manganese also acts.

Usually, chickenpox in children occurs in a mild to moderate form, passes with a low temperature and small rashes. However, you will have to suffer for 10 days, you can’t get away from chickenpox!