Features of the construction of a fence from corrugated board

To date, the most preferable are the fence structures from corrugated board, because they combine the best ratio of price-quality indicators. However, with a detailed consideration of the monetary side of the issue, many unpleasant surprises are found that affect the increase in the cost of the installation, as a result of which you have to think about the independent implementation of installation work. This article will give features to build a fence from corrugated board with your own hands. Thus, you can choose for yourself an option that will correspond to your financial capabilities.

The choice of material

When erecting a fence, most home -made people make the same mistake – they choose the material incorrectly. Some focus on the attractiveness of the appearance, others – on quality, and thirdly only the price is interested, but profiled sheets are chosen according to several criteria:

Sheet. Typically, as the basis for the fence, a wall profiled sheet made of steel is used, covered with a special protective tool. This material is marked with the letter “C” and two digits: the first indicates the height of the corrugation, and the second – its width. Often, a professionalist C8-C25 is used to install fences or a metal picket fence is made.

Type of coating. As a rule, sheets covered with galvanizing, polymer resin, enamel or plastinol are on sale. Galled materials are the cheapest, but they require additional staining and primer to increase the service life. The sheets painted with polymer resins can last up to two decades, but only if the lower edge is isolated. The plastic coating, although it creates a protective layer, but PVC cannot resist prolonged overheating and exposure to ultraviolet rays. In this regard, the plastic lists are relevant only for the northern regions.

Pillars. To ensure high strength, the sheets are fixed on the frame, which is vertical pillars with horizontal bonds – lags. It is most profitable to purchase ready -made columns offered by small local manufacturers.

Lags. When installing a corrugated sheet, only metal lags from rectangular pipes, not wooden analogues, should be used, as “specialists” often recommend that.

Fastening. Professor must be attached to lags and pillars using metal screws with peresshaybs.

Fence structure: free or buried lower edge?

The design with a free lower edge is used in cases where the site is located on the swimming, waterlogged, bulk soil or on the slope. The main disadvantage is the gap at the bottom through which the wind will bring garbage and street dust, but it can be easily handled by installing P-shaped protective profiles.

Ways to build a fence

With the deepening of the pillars in the ground – a simple and inexpensive method, for which it is necessary to dig a wide hole for each column.

With concreting is another cheap way that involves digging pits for poles and trenches for the lower edge of profiled sheets. The pillars are concrete not to the full height, but after solidifying the solution, bitumen is poured.

A flexion from a profiled sheet with brick pillars is a solid fence that requires considerable cash costs and strict compliance with complex technology. This design requires a separate foundation and isolation of the edges on all sides, which significantly affects the total cost.

Comparison of the cost of independent installation with an order for the installation of the fence

In fact, you do not need to deepen strongly into calculations, because everything has been calculated for you for a long time: the cost of work is at least 100% of the price for materials. In other words, when installing with your own hands, you get double or even triple savings.