How to prepare a car for winter

In order to be confident in your car in winter, in frosts, it must be prepared correctly for them. Consider the basic concepts of how to prepare a car for winter.

We have already written about why the car is not starting in the winter. Someone made appropriate conclusions for himself. Someone is not. We will collect all the information on this issue together.

The first and most important in the winter launch of the car is the battery. If he is old – he is 5 or more, then it is advisable to think about his replacement. If the battery is new, before the onset of cold weather, it must be charged, and if it is a serviced battery, then also measure the density of the electrolyte and, if necessary, add distilled water or electrolyte. This procedure must be carried out once a year before winter. By the way, on our website you can read about how to choose a battery.

Another winter feature is snow and ice, which is why the car can get stuck. So -called bracelets on wheels can leave the snow trap. The principle is that wearing them on the wheels of the car, they no longer glide in the snow, but they are hooked for it and it is easier to leave the car. Therefore, when preparing a car for winter, you can think about acquiring such bracelets.

The second stage in the preparation of the car for winter is to replace the spark plugs. Если свечи новые, этап можно пропустить, но если вы проехали на них уже более 10 тысяч километров, очень рекомендуем поменять их. Цифра в 10 тысяч километров относится только к обычным свечам. О замене иридиевых свечей можно думать после 40-50 тысяч километров пробега.

Третий немаловажный этап заключается в проверке топливной системы, чистке форсунок и замене топливного фильтра. Рекомендуем узнать целесообразность и делать сами процедуры в авто мастерских.

Вот три основные этапа для того, чтобы автомобиль лучше заводился зимой. Основное правило гласит – если автомобиль не заводится, то либо нечему гореть, либо нечем поджигать. Аккумулятор и свечи исключают второе, а проверка и обслуживание топливной системы – первое.

Но помимо запуска в мороз, можно поговорить о том, как подготовить авто к зиме в плане комфорта, в частности – тепла в салоне.

На это влияют несколько вещей:

Antifreeze. If the antifreeze is old, its thermal pipeline is lost and it must be replaced. If the factory antifreeze is flooded, then the first time it must be changed according to the regulations. Each subsequent replacement is made every 3 years.

Heater radiator. As a rule, it is in the cabin. It works so that cold air from the street, passing through it heats up and already warm or hot is supplied to the salon. But if you once drove without a salon filter, or the car is already old enough, this radiator can be clogged with dirt, leaves, etc.D., As a result, this dirt prevents the normal warming up of the air. It is treated by cleaning the radiator.

Insulation of the engineering space. There are two options. First – close the radiator in front. Usually closed either with a cardboard or any other material. This helps only on the highway – the air flow now rests on the cardboard, and not into the radiator, so the antifreeze is not so much, but the hot antifreeze, the warmer in the cabin. Do not be afraid of overheating of the engine – at a temperature on the street -15 and below with a good system of cooling the cardboard will not lead to overheating. The second option is an auto -bearing. With it, the engine cools down much longer, especially at idle, so the thing is very useful, which is also so fuel, even slightly, but saves.

That’s all the main points telling how to prepare a car for winter. Good luck on the roads!