Pencoston masonry

Foam concrete is relatively new material, which has already managed to gain well -deserved popularity and quite often used in laying external and internal walls. Foam concrete belongs to the class of cellular concrete. Distinctive features of this variety of concrete are – lightness, simplicity of machining, good heat – and sound insulation, high vapor permeability. The disadvantage includes low water resistance and insufficient strength. However, these shortcomings are quite easily leveled subject to work technology and the use of appropriate additional materials.

The laying of the first row.

How much pentone is largely dependent on how the laying of the first row of foam. The main requirement is the observance of horizontalness of the first row. This is achieved using the leveling layer of the solution.

Before starting the aligning layer device using a water level or leveling, beacons are made, with a step of 0.5–0.8 meters. The solution is laid out and aligned. After the solution dries and hardens, the masonry of the foam concrete begins. Should start from the corners. Reliable knitting of wall angles provides the strength of the entire building of the building. A bunch of up to three rows is made on each corner. The dressing is also made in the places of docking of external and internal walls.

After all the ligaments are made to lay the blocks of the foam concrete of the first row. When laying the last block in a row, as a rule, its trim in place is required. Foam concrete is well processed with cutting or end electric saws with stone disks.

Basic masonry.

The laying of the foam concrete of the second and subsequent rows is also performed from the angles. The difference is when installing door and window openings. In these places, the rows are interrupted by the required length, and the openings are closed on top of the U-shaped blocks. To give masonry, it is reinforced with durability, every 3-4 rows. A welded grid is used for reinforcement. Reinforced seams have great thermal conductivity and need additional thermal insulation.

Foam concrete has insufficient strength and for laying floor slabs it is necessary to do armopo. It casts from monolithic reinforced concrete. The width of the armoille must correspond to the width of the wall, and the height, depending on the calculated loads from 10 to 20 centimeters.


For laying blocks from foam concrete, either a masonry solution or a masonry glue is used. Many are seduced by the relative cheapness of the solution, but it has several disadvantages, the consequences of which can cost quite expensive.

The masonry solution has greater thermal conductivity than glue and therefore additional heat insulation costs will be required. Compared to glue, the volume of the prepared solution is greater and accordingly increases the complexity of cooking. The surface of the seams received during laying on the solution is less neat than when laying on glue and requires large costs during finishing work.

Despite the relatively high cost, the use of glue is ultimately more efficient and profitable. The masonry solution justifies itself only with insufficiently good quality blocks. If the divergence in dimensions does not exceed several millimeters, then in this case it is best to use glue. When masonry is conducted, the solution or glue is laid out by the length of 2-3 blocks. This is done so that a dried film that worsens the clutch does not have time to form on the layer of solution. This is especially necessary on hot sunny days.

December 20, 2012