Private interior designer.

A private interior designer is the first step to magnificent repair.

There were times when the word “repair” meant cosmetic housing renewal. But only. These times have sunk into oblivion, because the word “repair” today means an event similar in their psychological component of natural disaster. There are so many modern materials, technologies and equipment that you are not only starting to sink in the boundless sea of ​​information, but the whole process of repair seems to be a kind of grand coup, not only in the home, but throughout life.

However, everything is not so scary. Repair is just a subtle process, and, like any process, it consists of many small -scale operations interconnected. Carrying out each of them helps to achieve the final result. In order for the result to follow the shortest possible time and corresponds to expectations, you just need to clearly decide on the stages of repair and its aspects. In this case, of course, it is necessary to take into account a number of important factors, such as the choice of technology for the performance of work, determining their sequence and the method of purchasing and supplying materials, the selection of specialists and much more. In other words, the repair should be carefully thought out and planned. However, without knowledge of some important rules for its conduct, it is quite difficult to do it.

This article is designed to talk about these rules and the most common mistakes that are made during this event.

To begin with, when planning repairs, we must try to eliminate as many white spots as possible. Therefore, hastily drawing up a plan is undesirable. First, you need to get a distinct idea of ​​the nature of the upcoming works and about the materials that will be required. In a word, the idea of ​​what will be the interior of the premises after the repair should be integral. Of course, in any case, during the reconstruction of the premises it is possible and even necessary to change some details, but the general concept of the interior should be unified.

To obtain a relatively complete representation and the final goal of the repair, you can use two options. The first is to rely on your own knowledge and tastes. The second – to offer a solution to this problem to a specialist – a private interior designer. However, in the first case, it is also difficult to do without a specialist consultation, so you will have to become a specialist himself. And in order to at least partially become them, you need to look like construction exhibitions, ask the properties of a particular material, find professionals and discuss with them all the advantages and disadvantages of technologies and carefully study construction magazines. All this, of course, will take a lot of time, but, which is likely, it will bring considerable benefit.

If there is no time or desire to deal with these issues on your own, it is better to contact a private interior designer. This is also not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. First of all, it must be taken into account that, which the artist was not talented, if he has no practice in decorating the interior of the dwelling, even the most magnificent ideas can get a very unexpected embodiment, which is far from always pleasing. A private interior designer should clearly imagine how to implement his plans technologically. And for this it is necessary to understand well not only in the properties of materials, but also to know, at least approximately, the features of technological processes.

The second important side of this issue – the private interior designer should have a whole final concept of the room, which will be as comfortable for living. Some experts focus on individual design elements, introducing with their help some innovative ideas. However, this approach does not always meet the requirements of amenities, because overly unique ideas can not wear any household functions, being only a beautiful, aesthetic decoration. Aesthetics in the living room should be functional, otherwise it will turn into a kind of museum. Therefore, the designer needs to set practical goals and insist on their achievement.

And finally, after the private interior designer develops a thought out, which meets all requirements, it is advisable to continue cooperation with him, concluding an author’s supervision agreement. It will help professionally approach the interior of a particular part and correct inaccuracies that may occur during the repair process. It will save time and money. Therefore, the costs of the services of a specialist will ultimately justify themselves.

Regardless of whether repairs will be carried out with the participation of the designer or not, before his start, you need to have a project worked out in all details. Everything should take into account everything – the architectural – planning solution of the interior, and the type of materials for decoration, and the place of placement of furniture and household equipment with detailed circuits of communications linking, and the location of lighting devices, sockets, switches, switches.

In the case when the kitchen provides for the installation of a dishwasher, you need to know in advance where it will be to put a socket, draining and bring water pipes to it in the corresponding place.

Where a TV, computer and other equipment will be placed, blocks of sockets and output for the antenna should be provided. All these nuances must be provided in advance, otherwise you will have to redo something later, which means a decrease in the quality of the repair and additional material costs.