Projects of brick houses with garage

Despite the active appearance of modern building materials, the construction of country houses continues to actively use brick. A large number of manufacturing enterprises, high performance indicators, the ability to produce complex architectural delights, as well as prestige, provide a significant level of popularity.

The most common are two varieties of brick: silicate, which is made on the basis of additives, sand and cement, as well as ceramic, that is, natural clay.

The structure of clay bricks may well be assumed reckiness or filling. The formation of voids inside the building material occurs in the process of molding, they can be either closed and through.

Veasure brick, of course, weighs much less full, and masonry on its basis demonstrates excellent thermal insulation properties. Reducing the weight of the brick, which is supposed to be the presence of voids, allows you to make more elements than the standard 205 by 125 by 65 millimeters. The use of one and a half or even double brick helps to reduce the construction time and consumption of the solution.

The use of silicate brick can be observed less often than clay, since it absorbs water well, and therefore can slightly resist low temperatures. In addition, the density of silicate brick is higher, and therefore it is not able to effectively protect from heat loss.

Normative requirements suggest that projects of brick houses with a garage should have external walls with a thickness of 80-90 centimeters. At the same time, the strength of the enclosing structures of the building in 1-3 floors can be achieved if the walls have a smaller thickness. There are several techniques that can reduce the thickness of the wall without damaging its thermal insulation characteristics:

The use of blocks based on porous ceramics. Microporas can significantly reduce density and improve thermal insulation indicators. Strength indicators, while remaining at the required mark;

The use of well trends and subsequent filling of cavities using effective insulation. In the interval between external and bearing masonry, it is necessary to organize connections based on brick dressings. Such a design significantly reduces the total costs of brick, and the insulation that is placed inside the wall is able to create the necessary heat -insulating indicators. The total indicator of the thickness of such walls can be at the mark of 51 to 64 centimeters;

The use of various systems for the external insulation of facades. In this case, the selection of masonry thickness can be carried out with a guideline exclusively on the strength characteristics, and the required thermal insulation values ​​will depend on the insulation system;

The use of new varieties of bricks, which have a reduced volumetric density and a lower thermal conductivity coefficient.

During the masonry of the brick, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that salts of the masonry solution can migrate by forming ugly spots of white color on the surface of the facade. So that this trouble does not manifest itself, experts advise paying close attention of the correct storage of the material.

If you hold the brick directly on the construction site, then you should close it with waterproof material. In addition, after the end of each working day, the masonry should be reliably protected from precipitation, which inevitably lead to such salt formations.

Remember that the decision to build a house from bricks belongs to the most expensive in all individual construction. Come to him with all seriousness so that the design can reliably serve even your great -grandchildren.

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