Sale of trees and shrubs
You can plant a seedling at a young age and observe how it will turn into a branched tree that creates a cozy shadow. And having planted three or four summer plants to rejoice at how organically it fit into the landscape that has chosen by us.
Branchy trees trimmed with taste shrubs-an integral element of the garden territory-saturating the air of life-giving oxygen and pleasing us at all times of the year. You can plant a seedling at a young age and observe how it will turn into a branched tree that creates a cozy shadow. And having planted three or four summer plants to rejoice at how organically it fit into the landscape that has chosen by us.
Before making a purchase and subsequent landing of the plant you like, you need to know some of the subtleties of this noble cause. It is necessary to get acquainted with the literature on the compatibility of trees and shrubs. Under the birch, for example, it is better to plant non -loving sun, unpretentious plants, etc. D. Each plant also refers to different soil in its own way.
And so armed with certain knowledge, we go to the nursery, where trees are sold. Yes, it is the trees, since when planning a landscaping or fruiting garden, they are planted first. Then we are interested in where there is a sale of shrubs, individually selected by us.
In Russian nurseries, the price of planting material below the cost of plants brought from abroad of a similar age or size. Local seedlings are adapted better and faster than their foreign relatives.
According to modern technologies, trees have been sold three meter heights with subsequent landing. The method of creating a garden of large -scale trees when planting in the summer will allow you to admire the greenery of blossoming trees. However, it is necessary to meet when planting in two to three weeks from the ripening of the soil to the bloom of the kidneys.
Autumn sale of shrubs and landing is much less intense procedure, but gives a lower percentage of survival.
In no case should you plant trees and shrubs, the sale of which was carried out on the sidelines of the road, it is much worse to deal with plants that are clearly dug up in the forest. All these seedlings will certainly die in the first winter. Coniferous plants in this situation die more slowly, and signs of wilting will appear next year.
It is necessary to choose plants in the nurseries of seedlings with special care, since most of them warn of the impossibility of returning or exchange of planting material for other copies. It is best to make purchases in nurseries that have worked for several years in which you have already purchased seedlings.
Nowadays, many large nurseries are presented by their sites on the Internet. The spectrum of their proposals for sales, planting, care and even guarantees are very wide. After familiarizing yourself with the reviews of a particular nursery, be sure to ask the articles located on the pages of his site. There is a lot of information that should be interesting from your point of view. The abundance of this information indicates the respectable attitude of the company – the nursery to its customers.