Waterproofing of premises

Waterproofing is a very important stage of construction or repair work, neglect or illiteracy in this matter may be a significant problem when operating the premises or structure in general. The solution of such problems will require a lot of time and additional costs, and in some cases it may be impossible at all.

If we study in more detail the waterproofing most often used for rooms, then it can conditionally be divided into three types:

one. Bloody waterproofing

2. Coloring waterproofing

3. Cast waterproofing

From the names it is clear that the main difference between these species is the method of applying. Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is also used under certain conditions. Let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Description of the article:

Bloody waterproofing.

It is performed using sheet or roll materials. Such waterproofing is mainly used on the basis of bitumen or polymers. In some versions, the adhesive composition is already directly applied to a roll, while others require the use of bitumen mastic as glue. Such a mastic is applied to a dry surface cleaned of dirt and dust, after which a roll is rolled onto it. The edges are processed by putty for waterproofing, which includes polymer impurities. An important condition for the performance of work is the air temperature that should not fall below +10 ° C. Clear fixation of the waterproofing layer is required. It is also worth considering that the surface on which this species is applied should not contain bumps of more than 2 mm. The unconditional plus of this waterproofing is the efficiency and the possibility of applying to old coatings.

Coloring waterproofing

For waterproofing, this type is not used often, but it is used as a temporary solution. Multilayer application of bitumen or polymer mastic creates a waterproof barrier capable of withstanding hydrostatic pressure in 2 m. Recommended layer thickness at one application – 2mm. Such waterproofing is simple in use, but temperature changes lead to fragility of the coating. The term operation of such waterproofing is on average 5 years.

Cast waterproofing

Such waterproofing creates a continuous waterproof layer. She fills all the cracks and fit tightly to the base. The surface before pouring is dried with infrared lamps or burner, after which a primer layer of diluted bitumen is applied. The temperature of the mastic when pouring about 140 ° C. Reinforcement is carried out using fiberglass or metal mesh with the corresponding cell. The protective layer is made of cement-sand solution with a 30 mm thick thickness.

Cast waterproofing is perfect on complex reliefs. It is durable, has high water resistance and frost -resistant. However, the filling process is very laborious and not safe.

We examined the most common types of waterproofing in the premises, but progress does not stand still and every year more and more new materials and technologies appear that meet increasing requirements and standards. The choice always remains with you.