What are the unusual festivals in Texas
After barbecues and bulls, Texas is best known for mosquitoes. So why not celebrate them? This is exactly what they do in Sluta during the Great Texas Mosquito Festival.
This annual event includes a BBQ/Fajita Chef, Paintball Tournament, Karaoke, Mosquito Run Chase and more. Paying tribute to a pest has never been so much fun!
Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup
Believe it or not, this is not the only Rattlesnake Roundup in Texas. However, it is “the world’s largest rattlesnake round” and has been running continuously since 1958. While the snakes are the main attraction, the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup entails a number of events outside of actual snake hunting. There’s the Ratslesneck Parade, Miss Snake Charmer Pageant, Rattlesnake Dance, guided bus tours, crest cracking tours, barbecuing and more.
Texas State Fair
Everything is very big in Texas, and the Texas State Fair is no exception. Based in Dallas, this three-week holiday festival features an impressive carnival, art competition, car show, livestock show, and of course, the annual Rare Retriever between the University of Texas and the University of Oklahoma football teams.